CITY OF IRVINE Wild Rivers Water Park, once in Irvine, closed down – NOW PLANS A $60MILLION RE-BUILD of a BRAND NEW WATER PARK in GREAT PARK area. Editor Continue Reading Previous: Edwards LifeSciences Q2 Earnings out today.Next: Irvine to spend $13.8M on Parking Lot for Wild Rivers – Related Stories As usual, we citizens want to promote safety and awareness no matter what situation is being faced. What are the latest trends and concerns that need to be factored in regular day to day? CITY OF IRVINE As usual, we citizens want to promote safety and awareness no matter what situation is being faced. What are the latest trends and concerns that need to be factored in regular day to day? Looking for a late night bite to eat but cannot find a place to get a QuickPick? CITY OF IRVINE Looking for a late night bite to eat but cannot find a place to get a QuickPick? Events that occur and that can make a person think, why all of a sudden so many events happening? CITY OF IRVINE Events that occur and that can make a person think, why all of a sudden so many events happening?