CITY OF IRVINE 5 things to know before attending UCI cityofirvineguide Continue Reading Previous: UC Irvine Breaking News – Student Stabbed while walking Dog Sunday night March 10, 2019Next: DUI CHECKPOINT – this SATURDAY NIGHT – APRIL 29, 2019 in IRVINE – DO NOT DRINK & DRIVE Related Stories Flashback: Movie Theaters – where they have evolved to gigantic experiences! CITY OF IRVINE Flashback: Movie Theaters – where they have evolved to gigantic experiences! Flashback: NY’s UpperCrust pizza – when you could get a hot slice of pizza. CITY OF IRVINE Flashback: NY’s UpperCrust pizza – when you could get a hot slice of pizza. Flashback: When California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) was the first goto place in Irvine’s main shopping centers until they moved to a different location. CITY OF IRVINE Flashback: When California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) was the first goto place in Irvine’s main shopping centers until they moved to a different location.